You are not on your own

Comments that Year 6 pupils have shared with me:

We want to do well in SATs.

Year 6 is harder work and we have to do SATs/SATs revision.

We want to get good SATs results.

We want an end of year party and SATs rewards.

I worry about tests and whether am I good enough.

I worry about the differences between primary and secondary school.

We want:

- techniques to be calm during SATs

- help with worries about SATs

- calming techniques

- how to relax if we don't get a question

- concentration techniques

- how not to panic

- focusing techniques for more than 15 minutes

- not stress about SATs

- ways to handle things by yourself

- how to be confident

- ways to concentrate and not get distracted by others

- learning how to get calm (in SATS revision)

- get along with each other

- learn to be patient

Can you help us with:

Managing/controlling overthinking

Strategies to stop people panicking

Worries over not being as clever as they want to be

Strategies to keep calm

Controlling anxiety

Controlling over thinking

How to stay calm as I don't really like the breathing techniques

How to revitalise myself during the school day

How to control stress around SATs time

- How to control feelings and emotions

- How to think positive

- How to focus on school work

- How to keep calm during SATs

- How to not letting myself get distracted

- Finding techniques to focus on one task at a time

- To feel less nervous around SATs


All of these SATs Self-Awareness videos are free to access as a free 'taster' of the Stress Less Toolkit for Year 6's. 

To access the full toolkit choose the option 'Buy Full Year 6 Toolkit' and use code SATSYR650 to get 50% off!

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