Colourful ways to support your child's mental health

Hello! Today, we're exploring a vibrant topic that can make a world of difference in your child's emotional well-being: self-expression through colour and creativity. The Rainbow of Self-Expression Every child has a unique way of expressing themselves, and it's our job as parents to help them find their voice. Some children might prefer putting pen to paper, jotting down their thoughts and feelings in a journal. Others might find their groove through movement, whether it's scoring goals on the ...

Embracing Autumn: Helping Yourselves and Your Children Navigate Change

As the leaves turn golden and the air grows crisp, autumn brings more than just a change in scenery. For our young people, this season can be a powerful metaphor for life's transitions. Here's how you can use autumn's lessons to help your child build resilience and cope with change. Nature's Classroom: Learning from Trees Take a walk with your child and observe the trees. Notice how they stand tall and strong, even as their leaves change colour and fall. This is a perfect opportunity to talk ...

Helping Your Child Manage New Teacher Worries

Helping Your Child Manage New Teacher Worries In our last post, we explored why children might feel anxious about new teachers. Now, let's look at some practical strategies to help your little one cope with these worries. 1. Label That Thought! Encourage your child to give their anxious thoughts a label. When they're worrying, they can say, "Oh, I'm having a 'what if' thought right now." This simple act can help them step back and not get caught up in the worry spiral. 2. The 'What If' List Sit ...

Understanding Your Child's 'New Teacher' Anxiety

As the new school year rolls around, many children experience a mix of excitement and anxiety. One common worry is about their new teacher. Let's explore why this happens and how we can help our little ones cope. Why the Worry? Children thrive on routine and familiarity. A new teacher represents a big unknown in their daily life. They might wonder: Will the teacher be strict or fun? Will they understand me? What if they don't like me? It's natural for young minds to conjure up various ...

The Lazy Eight Breath: A Fun and Calming Technique for You and Your Child

Hello parents and carers! Today, we're excited to introduce you to an easy breathing exercise that can help you and your child find calm in moments of stress or excitement. It's called the "Lazy Eight Breath," and it's as easy as it is effective! What is the Lazy Eight Breath? Imagine a number 8 lying on its side - that's our lazy eight! This simple shape becomes a roadmap for our breathing, helping us to focus and regulate when emotional visitors visit. How to do the Lazy Eight ...

Supporting Your Child's Return To School After Summer Holidays

Hello, wonderful parents! As the summer holidays wind down and the new school year looms, you might notice your children becoming a bit unsettled. Don't worry – this is completely normal! Today, let's chat about why returning to school can be challenging for our children and how we can support them through this transition. First things first: it's important to remember that our kids are facing quite a few changes all at once. Think about it: New classroom, possibly a new ...

Introducing Glitter Jars: A Magical Tool for Emotional Regulation

Hello, lovely parents! Today, we're diving into the wonderful world of glitter jars – a simple yet powerful tool to help yourself and your children manage their emotions. As a parent, you know that big feelings can sometimes overwhelm us and our children, and it's not always easy to help them navigate these emotional storms. That's where glitter jars come in! What are glitter jars, you ask? They're like little snow globes of calm, filled with water and glitter. When shaken, they create ...

Helping Your Child Transition Back to School: The Glitter Jar Analogy

As the summer holidays draw to a close, many children (and parents!) feel a mix of excitement and anxiety about returning to school. One helpful way to understand this transition is through the 'glitter jar' analogy.  Imagine a jar filled with water and glitter. When calm, the glitter settles, leaving clear water - much like a relaxed mind. But shake it up, and the glitter swirls chaotically - just like our thoughts when we're stressed or overwhelmed. You can find out more about in the ...

Understanding Emotional Flavours: Helping Your Child Navigate Emotions

Understanding Emotional Flavours: A Guide for Parents of Primary School Children Introduction As parents, we often encounter various challenges when it comes to understanding and managing our children's emotions. One helpful way to approach this is through the metaphor of flavours, using something familiar and enjoyable, like jellybeans, to explain the diversity of emotions we all experience. The Theme of Flavours Imagine a colourful assortment of jellybean flavours. Some are delightful, sweet, ...


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