Blog Introducing Glitter Jars: A Magical Tool for Emotional Regulation

Introducing Glitter Jars: A Magical Tool for Emotional Regulation


Hello, lovely parents! Today, we're diving into the wonderful world of glitter jars – a simple yet powerful tool to help yourself and your children manage their emotions. As a parent, you know that big feelings can sometimes overwhelm us and our children, and it's not always easy to help them navigate these emotional storms. That's where glitter jars come in!

What are glitter jars, you ask? They're like little snow globes of calm, filled with water and glitter. When shaken, they create a mesmerising swirl of sparkles that gradually settle – much like our emotions when we're upset.

The beauty of glitter jars lies in their simplicity. You don't need to be a craft expert to make one; all you need is a jar, water, and glitter. Of course, if you're feeling adventurous, you can add glycerin for slower-settling glitter or throw in some sequins for extra sparkle. There are plenty of ideas online if you want to get fancy!

But the real magic happens when you use these jars to teach your children about emotions. Here's how:

  • Calm space: Start by showing your child the still jar. Explain that this represents a calm, peaceful mind – the way we'd like to feel most of the time.
  • Emotional visitors: When your child experiences strong emotions, shake the jar. The swirling glitter represents how our minds can feel busy and chaotic when we're upset.
  • Passing feelings: As you watch the glitter settle, talk about how emotions, like the swirling glitter, eventually calm down. This helps children understand that intense feelings don't last forever.
  • Mindful moment: Encourage your child to focus on the settling glitter. This simple act of paying attention can be incredibly calming and grounding.

Remember, the goal isn't to eliminate emotions – they're a natural part of life! Instead, we're teaching our children to understand and manage their feelings better.

Why not try making one with your child? It's a fun activity that opens the door to important conversations about emotions and self-regulation.

Stay tuned, and remember – you're doing a great job, parents!

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Jo :-)


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